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Marketing & Contracting

Delta Harvest increases the production, consumption, and access of healthy, local, and sustainable food in the region. Currently, we are working with several buyers of specialty rice. Rice is already a primary crop of the Southern Delta and marketing unique rice varieties to national brands helps farmers leverage existing on-farm equipment and storage and add value without making a large, initial investment.

Research & Feasibility Studies

Delta Harvest performs on-farm and partner field research to explore the enhancement or creation of specialty markets in the Delta, including crops like chickpeas, black-eyed peas, sesame, sunflowers, watermelon, and more. Studies also include the practical application of environmentally friendly farming practices like water conservation and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in rice cultivation.


The Food Hub

Delta Harvest has partnered with farmers and leased portions of warehouse space in a rural area of the Arkansas-Mississippi Delta to build a food hub. The food hub will provide processing and storage for viable specialty crop markets and access and infrastructure for Delta farmers.

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